Her three-year career within the adult film industry has had its fair share of ups and downs. But, this Hussie Model superstar of the future has always managed to make her fire burn hotter with each calendar year that passes. 2023 may be the boldest and the brightest yet. Lolly Dames is excited to announce that for the second consecutive year, she has been nominated for Sexiest MILF in the 2024 AVN Fan Awards. An honor that she is humbled beyond belief by.
“When you are a performer in this industry, there are not too many things that can give you validation that what you are doing is liked, or beloved. Or, that the fans and production companies enjoy the scenes you create. Especially when you have been in the business for over three years now like I have. I had no clue if I was going to have the success and following I have gained in these past three years. The tell-tale sign that you are doing something well is with the fans and their voice. They will tell you what they like, and what they do not like. I can not thank them enough for being who they are. Their support and love has meant so much to me. I have them to thank for everything, especially this AVN nomination. I owe them everything for that.”
Lolly Dames
2023 has been one of Lolly Dames’s most successful years in adult films. From gangbangs to Girl/Girl, Lolly Dames has received accolades and honors. But this is the icing on top of the cake. Lolly now asks you to cast a vote for her, and please, vote as often as possible. Just visit the AVN Fan Award site, and cast your vote for Lolly Dames, for Sexiest MILF 2024: https://avn.com/awards/voting/sexiest-milf
Help this MILF superstar of the future take home her first AVN trophy. All great occurrences and phenomena in the porn world begin somewhere, and the Lolly Dames faithful are needed more now that ever. Your vote matters, and Lolly Dames again would like to simply thank her fans for all their continued support. Here is to a big win in 2024 for Sexiest MILF! Visit the AVN Voting Site today: https://avn.com/awards/voting
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